The Face Behind Fika

My name is Molly Stewart and I am a travelling floral designer originally from Sydney’s Northern beaches however about to live up Byron Bay of the beautiful Northern Rivers. To say I am passionate about nature is simply an understatement.

I don’t like nature; I need it... I crave it, and I source it wherever I can. Having a job that enables me to share not only my knowledge about flora but allows me to bring a little drop of the outside world into your space or event, is in my eyes not only a dream come true but a gift. I am an open book, so please do not hesitate to approach me!

My goal is to not only share my passion for the natural world through floral design however change the narrative for floristry into one of sustainability and ethics. I wish to inspire, create and care for all sentient beings as well and spread awareness on the current climate of our planet, and how the choices are exceptionally important.

By choosing Fika, you are choosing a florist that does not support the chemically driven, slave trade that makes up the imported flower market. Fika ONLY use flowers from Australia, grown by farmers. You are choosing a florist who refuses to use non recyclable materials and use only that which can be composted or reused. Most importantly, you are choosing a florist that believes in making this industry one that can last. One that doesn’t exploit the land and people from which our product comes from.

As consumers, we have the power to implement big changes in the world, by choosing ethical brands supporting regenerative practices and a local economy.


Fika is a Swedish term given to a moment in which to slow down and appreciate the good things in our lives. To take a moment and just BE.

The world is filled with this ‘fast-paced’ attitude, from speedier internet to fast fashion and food. As a whole, humanity is often left dissatisfied with what we actually know and have. At Fika, we like it slowwww, organic and wholesome. The natural world is at the pinnacle of what we believe is the greatest thing we humans have, and it must be treasured. After all, we too are just another part of nature.

From the air we breathe to our wonderous seas, the birds in the sky and the roots beneath our trees; our ecosystem is at the very crux of what believes needs humanities attention and appreciation.



The earth does not belong to humans; humans belong to the earth.

Fika Floristry was born in 2020. Being a new decade, a time for change is in order! A new beginning on how we humans leave a mark on this earth.

WE HAVE A CHOICE. It is our systematic choice at Fika to leave the smallest possible footprint on this earth we are so lucky to inhabit.

To achieve this, everything from the wrapping to the installations will be 100% plastic-free*. No floral foam will EVER be used nor cable ties. We are proudly going back to the basics; Brown paper, twine and good ol’ chicken wire. It’s the simple things, right? We will strive to use and reuse every iddy biddy bit of the floral material bought or foraged, and that which doesn’t make it into the design will be disposed of properly or composted and reused in our garden.


The current floral industry is bombarded by the imported market. In the 2020 financial year, Australia alone spent 74.5 million (AUD) on imported cut flowers. (Statista, 2021) All the while, our beautiful, hardworking Australian farmers had flowers en masse.

It is our CHOICE at Fika, to support these growers as much as possible. Not only does this ensure quality and authenticity, however, there are no harmful chemicals. Imports from Kenya, Uganda, Ecuador, China, Netherlands (and more) are soaked and sprayed in toxic chemicals to ensure all bugs are killed before travelling to Australia. However, these chemicals are SO harmful to not just the florists who are handling them on a daily, but to all in contact. Still, feel like stopping to smell (ingest chemicals) the roses?

Furthermore, our earth is paying a huge price when it comes to emissions released from international transport. Flowers are cut, and within a week can be purchased on Australian wholesaler market floors, thanks to a refrigerated plane flight across our seas. “For 12,000 rose stems it was found that those grown in Kenya emit ~2,200 kg CO2 while those grown in the Netherlands emit 35,000 kg CO2, equalling roughly 3 kg CO2 per flower. This translates to a 6-fold difference in carbon emissions compared with the roses grown in Kenya (Williams, 2007). Furthermore, it is estimated that 79% of the energy used in the agriculture industry in The Netherlands is used in powering greenhouses for horticulture (Lansink and Bezlepkin, 2003).” (Published: August 27, 2020 (Updated: May 27, 2021) in Australian News by

It should be noted, that whilst shopping local with Australian growers, there may be times in which we result in using imported flowers. This is totally dependent on the demands of the customer or Seasonal Availability. Eg Valentine’s day is one of the busiest days of the year, of which vary from high demand is limited. Or needing a particular flower out of season for a bride.

Let it be known that we will ALWAYS seek Australian produce first, and we utterly respect our growers and all that they do for us! Additionally, we take total pride in lowering our Carbon Footprint and implementing new ways to improve always.

*Many flowers from the markets come wrapped in plastic, of which 100% we recycle. The goal is to eventually obtain a relationship with the growers to wrap our floral matter in brown paper or left bare. Until then, recycle, recycle, recycle!

Molly Stewart

Fika (n)

A Swedish term given to a moment in which to slow down and appreciate the good things in our lives. To take a moment and just BE.

I am also the proud owner of Falling Awake where I teach Sattva Meditation and Himalayan Breathwork and Kriya techniques. If you and interested in diving into the exploration of Self, then head on over to my page where I spend my time when I’m not playing with flowers!
